Legacy Library
Liquid Grooves

Liquid Grooves

CD-Audio $99 - selected library
CD-ROM $199 - complete library
Akai/Emu, Roland



Produced, mixed and edited by Eric Persing
Performed by Bob Wilson and Eric Boseman
Bob Wilson's drums and Wavedrums recorded at The Hook by Dan Garcia
Eric Boseman's Drums, Percussion and Wavedrums recorded at Ultrasonics by Eric Persing
Wavedrums™ courtesy of Richard Souther & John Lehmkuhl
Akai & SampleCell CD-ROM conversion by Todd Campopiano
Additional Inputting by Scott Hunter
Additional editing and "Real Kuhl Loop" by John Lehmkuhl
Invaluable Assistance & fine omelettes by Michele Tarbutton
Atomic Manipulation by Armand Hillside
Cover Art and type treatment by jondavid Productions
Graphic Design by The Peretti Group
Printed at Green St. Press, Pasadena CA
My "Brothers" Bob and Eric for the wonderful performances -you guys are truly an inspiration in your commitments to excellence, Shelly for the brilliant concept. Dan Garcia for the incredible generosity and willingness to help, Scott Hunter, Jon Conrad -for yet another great cover, Our FOCUS GROUP participants -Tommy Walker, Kuk Harell, Scott Frankfurt, Richard and Cyndi Souther, Mark and Shelly, MT, Ryeland Allison, Bob Daspit, John Lehmkuhl, Todd Campopiano, and LPfor all the invaluable feedback. Armand -what would we be without you?, Michele Tarbutton -greatest assistant on the planet, Vibeke Calvert, Ruth "Demo Queen" Calvert, Mike Frenchik, Steve & Jana Peretti, Our fabulous International Distributors -especially to all at ILIO, Don Romine and the crew at Green St. Press, Pastor Mark Pickerill and our church family at Christian Assembly in Eagle Rock, and to Lorey -without whom nothing would ever get finished


*All other manufacturers' product names used in this instrument are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Spectrasonics. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose tones and sounds were studied during Spectrasonics sound development.