Legacy Library
Bizarre Guitar

Bizarre Guitar

CD-Audio set $99 -selected library
CD-ROM set $299 -complete library
Akai/Emu, Roland



Produced by Eric Persing
Guitar performances by Peter Maunu
Sound Design and mixing by Eric Persing
CD-ROM conversion by Todd Campopiano
Data Management by Luke Pickerill
String Wrangler services by Armand Hillside
Cover Art by Jon Conrad, www.jonconrad.com
Graphic Design by Peretti Design, www.perettidesign.com
Printed by Green St. Press, Pasadena CA
Special Thanks from the Producer to:
Peter -for the master musicality you bring even to the strangest of noises, Steve Tavaglione for the conceptual
inspirations, John Lehmkuhl, Bob Daspit, Richard Souther, Mark Isham, Paul Haslinger, Chris O'Brien, Mark Hiskey,
Todd Campopiano, Armand -king of the lost art of string wrangling, Vibeke Calvert (warehouse queen), Luke Pickerill
(assistant par excellence), all the software and plug-in geniuses, Mike Prager, Doug Wyatt, Scott Morgan, Ace Yukawa,
Jon Conrad (how many other clients let you put your own face on the cover of their product!), Aimee Buchholz, Steve
Peretti, Alex Wurman, all our distributors and friends in the Sampleware community -especially to Mark & Shelly at
ILIO, pastor Mark Pickerill and our church family at Christian Assembly in Eagle Rock and to my dear Lorey -without
whom I would have lost my mind long ago!
Respect and Inspiration department:
George Harrison, Robert Fripp, Daniel Lanois, Brian May, Stockhausen, Subotinik, Adrian Belew, George Martin, Edge, David Rhodes, Bill Frisell, and Jimi.


*All other manufacturers' product names used in this instrument are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Spectrasonics. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose tones and sounds were studied during Spectrasonics sound development.